Bunnings & Fergus
Massive time savings
Don't let manual data entry and admin slow you down or hold you back. Get back to doing what you enjoy doing.
Import Bunnings invoices directly to Fergus in seconds.
Get every single line item instantly imported and matched to the right jobs so you don’t have to lift a finger.
Invoice in minutes with all costs loaded against your jobs.

Accurate quotes & invoices, every time
Get every dollar you deserve. Never miss charging out a cost with automatic supplier invoice integrations from your preferred suppliers.
Get invoices from over 100+ suppliers automatically imported to Fergus. No more lost receipts or forgotten costs.
Easily assign and split invoices across multiple jobs or job phases for accurate invoicing and quick back costing.
Instantly search and pull in line items from supplier price books for up-to-date pricing.

A better way to run your trades business
Make your life easier with Fergus - the software built for tradies.
Stay on top of your jobs from start to finish, from quoting, scheduling, to invoicing.
Keep your team on track with tasks, checklists, and health & safety forms.
Raise the bar with professional quotes, and invoices, automated SMS and email reminders, and easy payment options.
Set your margins, grow at the rate you want, and secure your cash flow.
“I love that everything is only a click away. Job costing and invoicing is extremely easy and can be done every day. Nothing gets lost if its loaded into the job.”
Trevor Davis
Supervisor, Chadoak Building & Maintenance
"Such a great program, it has literally cut my office time from 1 day per week to 1 day per month. Can't recommend it enough!"
Blair Findlay
Owner, RLS Electrical
“We never miss a job and we never miss a product cost now. Everything gets billed out. So the difference in turnover and cash flow has been huge.”
Tyler Sprunt
Co-owner, AXT Plumbing
Learn more about the Bunnings integration
How do you integrate with Bunnings?
To get started, simply go to the Supplier Docs section in your Fergus account. You can select the Bunnings invoice from your computer or drag and drop to import to Fergus.
If you’re not already signed up with Fergus and would like to take advantage of the Fergus Bunnings integration, sign up for your free trial via fergus.com/signup. -
What information gets imported as part of the Bunnings supplier invoice integration?
Fergus will automatically pull in line item information, quantity, unit cost, and unit sell price, cost (excluding tax), and sell price (excluding tax). That’s a lot of information you don’t need to manually enter in on your own.
Which other suppliers do you integrate with?
Please visit www.fergus.com/supplier-partners to see a list of our supplier integrations. If you are using Fergus currently, you can view the suppliers under the Integration Centre under your Settings.
Is there an added cost for the Bunnings supplier integrations?
Supplier integrations are included for free as part of our paid plan.
Expert guidance
We offer free virtual and in-person events to help your team get up and running and making the most out of Fergus.
Local support
Our exceptional support team offers live chat, phone, and email support around the clock at no added cost.
Help resources
Guided product walkthroughs, video, and help documentation are always available for you every step of the way.