Refer a Mate
Give $250. Get $250.
We’ll give you a custom link to share out via text, email, and social media. Every time someone signs up* with your link, you'll both score $250!
*If you use adblocker, please disable it before generating the custom link.
Love Fergus and want to help out a fellow tradie to escape the endless cycle of paperwork? Get your mate started with Fergus!
Create a Link
Enter your email address above
Click the “Enter” button
Generate your personal sharing link
Share to your network
Copy your personal sharing link
Send it to as many people in your network as you‘d like via email, social media, or text message
Get $250
Once your mate signs up and hits 3 months of being a paying customer, we'll pay you both $250
Got Questions? Here are some answers.
Is there a limit on how many people I can refer?
Nope! Send them all on through, there's no limit on how many referrals you send us and how many $$ you make.
When will I get my $250?
As soon as the mate that's new to joining us has been a paying customer for 3 months, you'll get notification that you have money waiting for you. Simply follow the steps in the email to add your details to get paid!
Are you going to spam my mate?
No way! Our team are awesome, they'll just give your mate a call for a chat. You can go for gold though!
What are the T&C's?
Check them all out here -
More questions? Reach out to our Support Team on 0800 461 219.