Profit and loss calculator
Don't rely on luck when it comes to making a profit on your next job.
Make a profit on every job with our calculator.
Use it before, during or after the job to check your profit margin.
✅ Materials - Find out how much money you've spent on materials and what the markup should be in the job overview worksheet.
✅ Labour - Check the hours of Labour spent is on track and charged out correctly in the job overview worksheet
✅ Job Overview Report - The job overview report gives you a breakdown of where you're making and losing money.
Check out our top tips for staying ahead of your profit goals
Just in time material purchases
Avoid stocking up the van and order what you need. That's not always practical though, so make it a habit to regularly check the stock in your van and return unused materials.
Know your numbers
Get you head around your gross profit, gross margin, markup, P+L, DSO. The better you know your numbers, the better you can grow them.
Invoice as soon as possible
Murphy's law says that the longer you wait to invoice the long your customers will take to pay. Invoice quickly to steer clear of late payments.
Avoid a loss leader strategy
You may win more business initially by undercutting your competition, but you'll soon find that you need to compromise the quality of your work. Or worse, you can't cover your costs. Instead, focus on fair pricing that allows you to do a quality job. A loss leader strategy is a race to the bottom.
Learn the science of selling
It can be hard to change tact from being on the tools to but it's necessary to keep customers coming in. The science of selling will help you to stand out in a competitive market, and improve client relationships.
Get the right tools to support you
Paper job cards, spreadsheets and Google calendar can help you manage your day to day work but it's a lot of data entry and double handling. Find a job management software that can streamline your work and make it easier to keep on top of your finances.
Frequently asked questions
Who is this calculator for?
The profit and loss calculator has been designed for trades businesses. If you're an electrician, plumber, builder, roofer, HVAC tech - or another trade! - then this calculator is for you.
Is the Profit and Loss Calculator free to use?
Yes, this tool is free to use and download, just complete the form to receive your free copy.
What kind of financial data should I input into the Profit and Loss Calculator?
You should input information such as project expenses, material costs, labor expenses, and revenue generated.
The more accurate the data you provide, the more precise your profit and loss analysis will be.
How often should I use the Profit and Loss Calculator for optimal results
We recommend using this calculator for every job you're working on.
If you're after a faster way to work out your profit margins, then we recommend using job management software that will calculate your margins in seconds, without any input from you.
Does this calculator integrate with my accounting software?
Unfortunately this calculator will not integrate with accounting software like Xero, MYOB, or Quickbooks.
Combining your job information with the financial information in accounting software is an fantastic way to stay ahead of the game.
If you're looking for deeper profit and loss analysis, we suggest looking into job management software solutions that integrate with Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks.
What's the difference between margin and markup?
Markup is the amount added to the cost of a product or service to determine its selling price.
Margin, on the other hand, is the percentage of profit earned on the selling price of a product or service.
How can I automate my profit and loss analysis?
Automating your financial analysis can save a lot of time and stress when you're running a trades business.
We recommend using job management software to provide in-depth analysis on the profitability of your business.
Reporting gives you oversight into each job, and your whole business.
It has literally cut my office time from 1-day per week to 1-day per month.
Can't recommend it enough, great to make jobs easily trackable, paperless while also keeping file of jobs forever. Get into it!
I love that everything is only a click away, simple job management
Job costing and invoicing is extremely easy and can be done every day. Nothing gets lost if its loaded into the job.
Transformative, efficient, streamlined operations
I have been using this job management software for my business and it has truly transformed the way we operate.
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