Fergus Blog

How to Find, Hire, and Retain Skilled Tradespeople

Written by Dan Pollard | May-2024

Before you rush to hire skilled workers for your trades business, it’s important to understand that the success of your company hinges on the strength of your team.

Skilled workers are the backbone of any trades business, but it’s tough to find and keep them when there are more jobs than people.

This guide will give you practical tips to tackle these challenges and help your trades business succeed.

Understanding the Trades Landscape

The trades industry is currently facing a significant skills gap.

As seasoned professionals retire, there aren’t enough new workers with the necessary skills to replace them.

This shortage means that skilled tradespeople are in high demand, giving them the luxury of choice when it comes to employment.

The Demand for Skilled Workers

Recent studies indicate that the construction industry alone will need to recruit an additional 500,000 workers above its normal pace to meet the demand by 2029.

This highlights the urgency for trades businesses to act swiftly in securing talent.

Addressing the Skills Gap

The problem is that a lot of skilled workers are getting older and retiring, while at the same time, not enough young people are being told that learning a trade is a good job option.

Also, as trades are using more and more technology, workers need to be tech-savvy as well as skilled in traditional methods.

Finding Skilled Workers

So we know what the challenge is - but what can trades business owners do about finding skilled workers to help them grow their business, while retaining quality control?

Networking and Community Engagement

Your existing network is a goldmine.

Engage with local businesses, attend trade shows, and become an active member of professional associations.

Community engagement, such as sponsoring local events, can also raise your profile among potential candidates.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for recruitment.

Use it to showcase your company culture and highlight the projects your team is proud of.

This not only attracts potential candidates but also builds your brand at the same time.

Partner with Educational Institutions

Forge partnerships with trade schools and offer apprenticeships.

This creates a talent pipeline, providing you with access to the newest members of the workforce who are eager to learn and grow.

Hiring the Right Talent

Building a great team starts with clarity and strategy.

Here’s three ways to get it right:

1. Make Job Ads Clear and Detailed

Write job ads that are easy to understand and tell people exactly what the job is about.

Don’t just list what they’ll do, but also share what your company culture is like and what you stand for.

2. Have a Good Interviewing System

Make sure your interviews really drill down into if someone is right fit for the job.

Test their skills with hands-on tasks and see if they’ll get along with the team and fit in with the company vibe.

If they fit in culturally, the chances are they’ll stick around for a long time.

3. Pay Well to Get the Best

If you want the best people, you’ve got to offer them a great deal.

This means a good salary and other nice things like health benefits, a balance between work and life, and chances to move up in the company.

Retaining Your Best Workers

So, you’ve hired skilled workers for your trades business.

But how do you stop them from jumping ship?

Make Your Workplace a Happy Place

Keep your team happy by talking openly, celebrating when someone does a great job, and making sure everyone’s safe and healthy at work.

Teach New Tricks

Show your team you care about their future by giving them training opportunities to learn more and get better at their jobs.

Listen and Change When Needed

Pay attention to what your team says and be ready to switch things up if it helps.

This could be getting new tools, tweaking the rules, or finding new ways to say ‘good job’ to your team.

Balance Work and Life

Help your team have time for both work and home life by being flexible with schedules.

Throw in Some Extras

Hiring the best tradespeople for your business is difficult, because you are bound to have competition.

One way of standing out from other businesses is to offer cool extras like gym memberships, money for tools, or a share in the company profits.

Happy Hiring

Building a team of skilled workers is a journey that involves not just finding the right people but also creating an environment where they can flourish.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your trades business is not just a place to work, but a place to grow and succeed.

For more personalised advice and solutions, reach out to us at Fergus.

We’re dedicated to helping you streamline your operations and grow your trades business with the best team by your side.