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"By adopting this system we are now seen as professional and progressive within our town"

Daniel Gunther, Owner, Gunther Electrical

"Since adopting Fergus, in the last 6 months, we’ve seen a 60% increase in our business."

Ben, Co-Owner, KVA

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Customer Story - Swalek Ltd

Swalek Ltd is a high voltage contractor installation service, based in Swansea, Wales. Owner and Managing Director, David Demock, has been running Swalek since 2013. 

Managing a business using multiple systems

As a business with multiple team members and jobs to take care of, David relied on multiple spreadsheets and filing systems to organise their job management. This often led to jobs being forgotten and late invoicing payments. Not only did it lose them costly work, having job information in multiple locations also made admin a minefield to navigate and was time consuming to keep on top of.

One solution to rule them all

After trying out a range of job management software solutions, David came across Fergus. Since starting to use Fergus software to manage the business, David has not only managed to get on top of the organisation, it has also allowed him to massively increase their job capacity, growing their business and their profits. 

Here’s what David has to say about how Fergus has helped his business: 

“Before we took on Fergus, we used to manage our workload using a variety of spreadsheets, filing and folder systems, and there were always jobs getting forgotten.” 

“What we found is the impact on Fergus has been the speed. As inquiries come through the door of your email, it's really easy to jump on them quickly assess the work content, fill in a new job on Fergus and get the quotation out of the door very quickly. This means that the throughput of my desk has increased tenfold at least.” 

 “The other impact is keeping track of who's paid invoices and who hasn't when they do, so we can chase them. There's an automatic system on Fergus that automatically chases, unpaid invoices after a certain after the 30 days. So, yeah, that's all that automation is going in the background, sort of free's up my time to spend on developing and building the business.” 

Want to find out how Fergus can support your growing trades business?  

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