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In this video we look at uploading documents you receive from your supplier and assigning them to jobs, this process saves you having to write out the same docket multiple times
Hi everyone. It's Dylan here from the Fergus team. In today's video, we are gonna look at importing supplier documents into Fergus.
Fergus will need to build a way for us to read the file if it is not one of our currently supported suppliers. for a list of supported suppliers. Please get in touch with our support team. When you pick up or order for delivery, you can create either an invoice or credit to come. This tells Fergus you are awaiting an invoice for the goods ordered and will allow you to reconcile the invoices.
Once you import the invoice or credit, you will need to have either a CS V or a text file from your supplier that has a list of all the products you bought and the prices that you bought them for. To begin an import, you can either drag and drop the file into the supplier document section or browse your computer for local files,
Once this is done, Fergus will read the information on the invoice or credit and let you know if it has found a match in the system. From here, you can either assign the invoice to a job or split it across multiple jobs or ignore it.
Assigning it will put a copy of it directly into the job card. Splitting it will allow you to have it over multiple jobs, and ignoring it will keep it in the system. but not assign it to a particular job. Once assigned, you can then use the reconciliation screen to match up the documents you're waiting on. You can then have Fergus send a copy of this to your accounting package to streamline the process.
Thanks for taking the time to watch our video. If you have any questions on how this works, please get in touch via support@fergus.com.
We just need to grab some basic information to help us personalise Fergus for you.