
How to Collect All Timesheets for Review | Fergus

Written by Kristie | Jan-2023

Watch this video to see how Fergus collects your team's timesheets so you can review everything entered.



Hi, everyone. Dylan here from the Fergus team In this video, I'm gonna be showing you the Timesheet Summary in Fergus. To find this, you'll need to select Reports from the top banner of Fergus from here.

Select Timesheet Summary in the list. Once you open this report, you will have a table of your employees in Fergus listed at the top right. You can adjust the date range for this and also choose if you want to show any disabled users at the top of the table, you can apply filters to show different types of time entries using the search box.

You can also filter to specific employees and on the far right, download a CSV copy of this information. The time sheet summary report is great for getting an overview of all the different time entries your employees have done.

Thanks for taking the time to watch our video. If you have any questions, please get in touch via