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From zero visibility to total visibility - get the whole story with Fergus, in this video take a look at the calendar in as we demonstrate how to manage employees and jobs efficiently.
Hey guys, stand here from the Fergus team. Today I'll be taking you through the Fergus calendar.
The calendar is where you can schedule your team's jobs or check what's on for your team. to start with. You want to adjust the layout to suit you. You can show a day, week or fortnight view and also switch between horizontal and vertical views. You can also collapse this menu to get a bit of view of the calendar if needed. when using the calendar. If you're looking for a particular user schedule, you can filter to that person or group.
If you have groups set up for your users. The Fergus calendar has drag and drop functionality, so you can easily plan your day for both you and your team Once it's in the calendar, you can easily adjust this time by dragging this out. Alternatively, to get more details on a job, all you need to do is click once or double click to get even more. From here, you can click the chain link to go straight to that job. You can also create custom events. For example, a toolbox meeting.
Thanks for watching our video guys. If you have any questions, make sure to get in touch with our support team at support@fergus.com.
We just need to grab some basic information to help us personalise Fergus for you.