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Advisor Partner Terms of Service

                   4.1.5 promote the Fergus Service on its website (including maintaining an active hyperlink to the Website); 
                   4.1.6 use only sales and marketing materials in respect of the Fergus Service that have been provided or approved (in writing) by Fergus from time to time, make no changes to such sales and marketing materials without Fergus’ prior consent, and ensure that no out of date Documentation is used or relied on following notification by Fergus that such Documentation is out of date; 
                   4.1.7 comply with all Laws relevant to the performance of the Partner Services (including, for clarity, all applicable privacy laws); 
                   4.1.8 comply with all Fergus policies and procedures notified by Fergus from time to time,  including all Fergus brand guidelines; 
                   4.1.9 provide all reports to Fergus specified in the relevant Partner Engagement Schedule(s) (if any), and as otherwise reasonably requested by Fergus from time to time; 
                   4.1.10 provide such other information to Fergus (as Fergus may reasonably require) regarding, as applicable, the performance by the Partner of the Partner Services, details of Customer feedback received in respect of the Fergus Service, and such other information as required by Fergus to meet its obligations under this Agreement and as reasonably requested by Fergus from time to time;  
                   4.1.11 should Fergus provide a new Update or New Release of the Fergus Service and require the Partner to cease marketing and promoting any old version, immediately comply with such request; 
                   4.1.12 promptly handle and respond to all correspondence from Fergus and/or any potential Customer;  
                   4.1.13 immediately notify Fergus if it becomes aware or suspects that any disabling code has entered the Fergus Service; and
                   4.1.14 hold sufficient insurance (with a reputable insurance company) to cover any claims arising from or in connection with the performance of the Partner Services and any other matter occurring under or in connection with this Agreement (whether caused by the negligence of the Partner or otherwise). 
         4.2 Negative obligations:  The Partner shall not, at any time: 
                   4.2.1 make any false or misleading claims or representations to any person concerning the Fergus Service and shall only make statements with regard to the Fergus Service that are consistent with formal written material produced by Fergus (including the Documentation); 
                   4.2.2 when interacting with potential Customers and Customers, use language that implies that the Partner is from Fergus itself; 
                   4.2.3 do anything or omit to do anything that may damage the reputation of Fergus or any Fergus product (including the Fergus Service); 
                   4.2.4 enter into any arrangement which would affect the Partner’s ability to comply with its obligations under this Agreement;  
                   4.2.5 supply such information to prospective Customers that would enable them to copy or reproduce any part of the Software; 
                   4.2.6 not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or introduce or allow the introduction of anything harmful into, the whole or any part of the Software or, otherwise try to develop independently any software that is the same as, or materially similar to, the Software; or 
                   4.2.7 engage in the manufacture, development, marketing or distribution of any goods, services or systems that directly compete with, the Fergus Service, without the prior written consent of Fergus. 
         4.3 Partner use of the Fergus Service: The Partner acknowledges and agrees that its (and any of its personnel and other authorised users) use of the Fergus Service (including as necessary for the purposes of performing the Partner Services) shall be subject to the Fergus Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (as updated from time to time), which can be accessed at and
         5.1 General obligations:  Fergus will, during the Term: 
                   5.1.1 provide to the Partner such information and assistance as may be required by the Partner (acting reasonably) in order to perform its obligations under and in the manner required by this Agreement; 
                   5.1.2 provide the Partner with access to a fully functioning free version of the Fergus Service to enable the Partner to demonstrate the Fergus Service to potential Customers and to familiarise the Partner’s personnel with the Platform and Fergus Service; 
                   5.1.3 provide such training to Partner personnel on the Fergus Service, as Fergus considers appropriate; 
                   5.1.4 provide a demonstration of the Fergus Service to the Partner personnel at a mutually agreed time and place; 
                   5.1.5 Provide the Partner with regular updates on Fergus’ program development efforts and changes to help the Partner stay abreast of what’s going on with the Fergus Service; 
                   5.1.6 provide feedback to the Partner regarding the Partner’s performance under this Agreement; 
                   5.1.7 provide the Partner with all technical and promotional material reasonably required by the Partner to perform the Partner Services, or otherwise review and approve Partner prepared marketing material in a timely manner;  
                    5.1.8 comply with all relevant obligations imposed by Law; and 
                    5.1.9 otherwise perform all Fergus obligations specified in the relevant Partner Engagement Schedule(s).  
         6. CUSTOMER TERMS 
         6.1 Fergus shall be solely responsible for (and shall have sole control over): 
                   6.1.1 the terms and conditions upon which the Fergus Service is made available to Customers, being the Fergus Terms and Conditions (as updated by Fergus from time to time); and 
                   6.1.2 the fees payable by all customers (including the Customers) for the Fergus Service.  
         7.1 Notification by Fergus:  Fergus will notify the Partner in writing, as far in advance as is reasonably practicable, of any proposed material change to the Fergus Service, including any Update or New Release (and Fergus will provide the Partner with all related technical and other information as the Partner may reasonably require in order to understand the scope and implications, for both Customers and the Partner, of the Update or New Release).   
         8.1 Partner Benefits:  The Partner will receive the Partner Benefits in consideration for the proper performance by the Partner of the Partner Services. The Partner Benefits shall be provided to the Partner in the manner specified in the relevant Partner Engagement Schedule(s). 
         8.2 Review:  No less than 30 days prior to each anniversary of the Commencement Date (each a Review Date), Fergus shall undertake a review of the Partner Benefits and notify the Partner of any changes to the Partner Benefits to apply to the next year of the Term.  If the Partner does not accept the proposed change to the Partner Benefits, the Partner may terminate this Agreement (effective from the end of the relevant year).   If no such notice of termination is provided by the Partner, the Partner shall be deemed to have accepted the proposed change to the Partner Benefits. 
         8.3 Taxes:  Unless expressly specified otherwise, all amounts payable under this Agreement are exclusive of all applicable taxes (including goods and services tax) assessed or levied in connection with the supply of any goods or services under this Agreement.   
         9.1 Records: The Partner will at all times keep full and accurate accounting and trading records in relation to: 
                   9.1.1 Partner Services performed by the Partner, and will ensure that such records and information comply with all relevant legislation and enable Fergus to ascertain at any time the Partner Benefit and other amounts payable pursuant to this Agreement; and 
                   9.1.2 all transactions, inquiries and complaints (if any) in connection with the Fergus Service and this Agreement. 
         9.2 Availability of records:  The Partner will, promptly following receipt of a request from Fergus to do so, provide to Fergus any records and documentation that the Partner maintains under clause 9.1. 
         9.3 Audits:  Subject to the Partner's reasonable security and confidentiality requirements, the Partner will, for the purposes of Fergus checking the Partner's compliance with this Agreement, allow Fergus and its personnel to: 
                   9.3.1 inspect and copy all or any of the Partner's Fergus account details and other records relating to the Fergus Service; and/or  
                   9.3.2 have access to personnel used by the Partner in connection with the Fergus Service, as and when reasonably required by Fergus. 
         9.4 Assistance:  For the purposes of complying with clause 9.3, the Partner will give, promptly and efficiently, Fergus and its personnel any assistance reasonably required by Fergus. 
         10.1 License:  Fergus grants to the Partner a non-transferable right and non-exclusive licence to use the Fergus Service (and Intellectual Property therein) solely to the extent necessary (and for the purposes of) the performance of the Partner Services (and receipt of the Partner Benefits, as applicable) in accordance with this Agreement.  This licence will immediately cease upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement or earlier notice in writing from Fergus. 
         10.2 Intellectual Property: Except as specified in clause 10.1, nothing contained in this agreement confers on the Partner any right or interest in, or licence or permit to use, any of the Intellectual Property in the Fergus Service or any other Intellectual Property owned by or proprietary to Fergus or any of its licensors.   
         10.3 Acknowledgment:  The Partner acknowledges that all Intellectual Property in the Fergus Service and in any Updates, New Releases or other enhancements to or modifications of the Fergus Service (whether recommended or created by the Partner or any other person) belong to Fergus or its licensors and the Partner will do nothing to contest or dispute such ownership.   
         10.4 Confidential Information:  All Documentation and other information contained in or relating to the Fergus Service will be treated by the Partner as strictly confidential unless and until the same is published by Fergus or is in the public domain or generally known in the industry otherwise than by a breach of this Agreement. 
         10.5 Third party infringement:  
                   10.5.1 The Partner will promptly inform Fergus if it becomes aware of any infringement or potential infringement of any of the Intellectual Property rights in the Fergus Service or any Software. 
                   10.5.2 In the event of any infringement or potential infringement of any of the Intellectual Property rights in the Fergus Service or the Software or any improper or wrongful use of the Fergus Service or the Software, Fergus has the right, but not the obligation, to take action against any relevant third party at its expense, and the Partner will give all reasonable assistance at Fergus’s expense to facilitate any such action by Fergus. 
         10.6 Infringement of third party rights
                   10.6.1 If either party receives any warning letter or other notice of infringement, or if legal proceedings are issued or threatened against a party, alleging that the Fergus Service infringes any third party rights, the party receiving the letter or notice will promptly provide full details to the other party, and the parties will endeavour to agree on the best way to respond.  
                   10.6.2 If such agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable period, Fergus will have the right, but not the obligation, to defend such suit and will have the right to settle with such third party on terms that are acceptable to Fergus at its sole discretion. 
         11. WARRANTIES 
         11.1 Reciprocal warranties:  Each party (First Party) warrants to the other party that all information disclosed to the other party, by or on behalf of the First Party in relation to this agreement, is, or will be when disclosed, complete and accurate in all material respects. 
         11.2 Other warranties excluded
                   11.2.1 Fergus does not warrant that the Website, Software or the Fergus Service are error free. 
                   11.2.2 Any implied warranties that would, in the absence of this clause, be given by either party are excluded, to the extent permitted by Law. 
         12.1 Indemnity by Partner:  The Partner indemnifies Fergus from and against any losses, damages, costs and/or expenses (including reasonable legal costs), claims (including Customer claims), demands, actions, suits, proceedings and liabilities which Fergus may suffer or incur arising out of or in connection with the Partner’s breach of any term of this Agreement or any negligent, unlawful or wilful act or omission by the Partner or any of its personnel, authorised users or representatives.
         12.2 Exclusions:  Nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement will confer any liability on either party (First Party) in respect of any: 
                   12.2.1 indirect, consequential or special loss, damage, cost or expense or any loss of profits or loss of anticipated revenue suffered or incurred by the other party in connection with this Agreement; or 
                   12.2.2 loss, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred by the other party, to the extent to which this results from any breach of this Agreement by, or negligent or unlawful act or omission of, that party. 
         12.3 Limits:  Notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, the maximum liability of Fergus to the Partner under or in connection with this Agreement and/or the Fergus Service (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) is an aggregate of the total amount of fees paid to the Partner (or discounted, as applicable) as a Partner Benefit in the initial 12 months of the Term in respect of all such events or breaches occurring during the Term. 
         13. CONFIDENTIALITY  
         13.1 Confidentiality:  Each party will maintain as confidential at all times, and will not at any time, directly or indirectly: 
                   13.1.1 disclose or permit to be disclosed to any person; 
                   13.1.2 use for itself; or 
                   13.1.3 use to the detriment of the other party, 

any Confidential Information except: 

                   13.1.4 as required by Law; 
                   13.1.5 as is already or becomes public knowledge, otherwise than as a result of a breach, by the party disclosing or using that Confidential Information, of any provision of this agreement;  
                   13.1.6 as authorised in writing by the other party; or 
                   13.1.7 to the extent reasonably required by this agreement (and, without limiting the effect of this clause, a party may disclose Confidential Information only to those of its officers, employees or professional advisors, on a "need to know" basis, as is reasonably required for the implementation of this agreement). 
         14. TERMINATION 
         14.1 Termination for convenience: Either party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days written notice to the other party at any time throughout the Term. 
         14.2 Termination for Cause:  In addition to any other right of termination or remedy conferred on the parties under this Agreement or by law, either party (First Party) may terminate this Agreement at any time and with immediate effect by written notice to the other party (Second Party) if the Second Party: 
                   14.2.1 has committed a material breach of this Agreement, where the breach is reasonably capable of being remedied within 15 Business Days and where the Second Party has failed to comply with an earlier written notice given by the First Party: 
  1. specifying that breach;
  2. requiring that the Second Party remedy that breach within the period specified in the earlier notice (which, in order for that notice to be effective, must be at least 15 Business Days after receipt of the earlier notice); 

                   14.2.2 has committed a material breach of this Agreement, where the breach is not reasonably capable of being remedied within 15 Business Days; 

                   14.2.3 suffers an Insolvency Event; or 

                   14.2.4 is the Partner and the Partner, in the reasonable opinion of Fergus brings, or are likely to bring, Fergus or any of its products or services into disrepute. 

         14.3 Consequences of termination:  Upon and following the expiry or termination of this Agreement for any reason: 

                   14.3.1 the expiry or termination will be without prejudice to either party's rights and remedies in respect of any breach of this Agreement by the other party, where the breach occurred before the termination of this Agreement;  

                   14.3.2 the provisions of intended to survive expiry or termination, will remain in full force and effect; 

                   14.3.3 the Partner must, if requested in writing by Fergus to do so, deliver to Fergus or destroy all copies of all promotional, and other materials, and of all Confidential Information relating solely or predominantly to Fergus’s business, that have been made by the Partner or provided to the Partner, to the extent that these are in the possession or under the control of the Partner at the time of expiry or termination;  

                   14.3.4 the Partner must cease using and must delete from any media on which they are stored, all copies of the Software (to the extent that these are in the possession or under the control of the Partner at the time of expiry or termination); and 

                   14.3.5 the parties shall comply with any other obligations specified in the relevant Partner Engagement Schedule(s) that are applicable on the expiry or termination of this Agreement.   



         15.1 Dispute:  If any dispute or difference arises between the parties, or if any matter or issue arises which any of the parties wishes to have resolved or remedied (Dispute) a party may serve a notice of Dispute on the other (Dispute Notice).  For the purposes of this clause the term “Dispute Notice” means a written notice issued by either party on the other: 

                   15.1.1 specifying reasonable details of the nature of the Dispute; 

                   15.1.2 designating the person with authority to negotiate and settle the matter or issue specified in the notice on behalf of the issuer of the notice; and 

                   15.1.3 requiring the recipient of the notice to enter into negotiations with the issuer of that notice and, for that purpose, to each appoint a representative with authority to negotiate a settlement. 

         15.2 Resolution procedures: Upon service of a Dispute Notice, the following procedures will apply: 

                   15.2.1 No party may commence any court proceedings relating to any Dispute unless that party has complied with the procedure specified in this clause. 

                   15.2.2 Upon the issue of a Dispute Notice the parties enter into negotiations in good faith to resolve a course of action for resolution of the Dispute within 14 Business Days (or such longer period as the parties may agree) of the issue of a Dispute Notice. 

                   15.2.3 Where any course of action for resolution of the Dispute is not resolved via the process above negotiations within 14 days (or such longer period agreed by the parties) of negotiations commencing, the parties will immediately be deemed to have submitted the Dispute to mediation .  Such mediation must be conducted in terms of the Resolution Institute Standard Mediation Agreement.  The mediation must be conducted by a mediator and at a fee agreed by the parties.  Failing agreement by the parties as to appointment of a mediator within seven days of reference to mediation as set out above, the mediatory will be selected and his/her fee determined by the President for the time being of the Resolution Institute (or any suitable replacement organisation). In the event of any submission to mediation: 

  1. the mediator will not be acting as an expert or as an arbitrator; 
  2. the mediator will determine the procedure and timetable for the mediation; and
  3. the parties will share equally the cost of the mediation.

                   15.2.4 Where any course of action for resolution of the Dispute is not resolved via the process above within two months of the Dispute Notice being issued, either party may take court action.

         15.3 Urgent relief:  Nothing in this clause will prevent any party from taking immediate steps to seek urgent interlocutory relief before an appropriate court. 


         16. NOTICES 

         16.1 Details: The respective notice details of the parties as at the date of this Agreement are as specified in the Special Terms. 

         16.2 Method of delivery: Any written notice required under this Agreement must be signed by a duly authorised representative of the party giving that notice and will be deemed validly given if sent by email to the intended recipient's email address as set out above (as updated by written notice from time to time by each party, in respect of the specific details) and if the recipient acknowledges receipt (whether by way of an automated message or otherwise). 

         16.3 Time of delivery: Any notice transmitted by email or delivered after 5.00 pm on a Business Day, or at any time on a non-Business Day, will be deemed received at 9.00 am on the next Business Day (being, in each case, the time of day at the intended place of receipt of that notice). 


         17. GENERAL 

         17.1 Amendments:  No amendment to this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by a duly authorised representative of each party. 

         17.2 Assignment:  The Partner will not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this agreement to any other person without Fergus’s prior written consent.  For the avoidance of doubt, a change of control in respect of the Partner constitutes an assignment by the Partner of its rights or obligations under this Agreement.  

         17.3 Costs:  Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, each party will bear its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation, preparation and implementation of this Agreement. 

         17.4 Entire agreement:  This Agreement records the entire understanding and agreement of the parties relating to the matters dealt with in this Agreement.  This Agreement supersedes all previous understandings or agreements (whether written, oral or both) between the parties relating to these matters. 

         17.5 Further assurances:  Each party will do all things and execute all documents reasonably required to give effect to the provisions and intent of this Agreement. 

         17.6 Force majeure:  Neither party (First Party) will be liable for any act, omission or failure by it under this agreement if that act, omission or failure results directly from an event or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the First Party, provided that: 

                   17.6.1 whenever the First Party becomes aware that such a result has occurred or is likely to occur, the First Party will notify the other party by written notice accordingly; 

                   17.6.2 each party will continue to use its best endeavours to perform its obligations as required under this Agreement; and 

                   17.6.3 neither party will be deemed to have accepted any liability to pay or share any extra costs which may be incurred by the other party in complying with this clause or otherwise resulting from such act, omission or failure. 

         17.7 Waiver:  No waiver of any breach, or failure to enforce any provision, of this Agreement at any time by either party will in any way affect, limit or waive that party's right to subsequently require strict compliance with this Agreement. 

         17.8 Governing law:  This Agreement is governed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. The parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand with respect to any legal action, suit or proceeding or any other matter arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. 

         17.9 Counterparts:  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts (including copies, facsimile copies and scanned email copies) each of which is to be deemed an original, but all of which together are to constitute a binding and enforceable agreement between the parties.  





The parties acknowledge and agree that these terms are in addition to, and shall not limit in any way, any other terms of this Agreement (including any other Partner Engagement Schedule that applies to the Partner). 

For the purposes of this Partner Engagement Schedule: 


Customer Fees means the net subscription or licence fees paid by the Customer to Fergus for the Fergus Service pursuant to the Fergus Terms and Conditions, minus any refunds made by Fergus to a Customer and any deductions required to be made at law in relation to sales, non-resident withholding or good and services tax (or similar). 

Referral Fee means one-off $250 NZD referral fee per Lead obtained by the Partner three successive monthly subscription invoices must be paid by the individual Fergus end-customers according to the Fergus Terms of Service., as amended by Fergus in accordance with clause 8.2 of the Agreement.  


         1.1 Create an active hyperlink to the Website using the Partner URL provided by Fergus, promptly upon receiving such Partner URL. 

         1.2 Actively and diligently promote and market the Fergus Service to all potential Customers, and use its best endeavours to procure such potential Customers to purchase the Fergus Service.  

         1.3 Diligently follow-up (in good-faith) all leads and develop potential Customers in respect of the Fergus Service. 

         1.4 On request by Fergus, provide Fergus with all relevant information it has regarding each potential Customer and the relevant commercial market.  

         1.5 Provide demonstrations of the Fergus Service to potential Customers, which shall involve performing and displaying the Software in a non-production environment solely for the purpose of demonstrating the Fergus Service to potential leads.  

         1.6 Notify the Customer immediately upon receiving a request from a prospective Customer to view a demonstration of the Fergus Service. 

         1.7 Provide potential Customers with access to the Fergus Service, for the purposes of purchasing a subscription to the Fergus Service, via the Partner URL. 

         1.8 Regularly (and no less than once a month) provide an update to Fergus (either in person, via email, or via phone as mutually agreed at the time) on current campaigns and opportunities. 

         1.9 Maintain adequate documentation supplied by Fergus and other equipment necessary to market the Fergus Service and comply with its obligations under this Agreement. 



         2.1 Promptly following entry into this Agreement by the parties, provide the Partner with the Partner URL. 

         2.2 Provide the Partner with access to the Platform as required by the Partner to perform the Partner Services. 

         2.3 Provide the Partner with access to a Fergus representative to provide guidance on the Fergus Service and the processes to be followed by the Partner.    

         2.4 Create events and programs that help the Partner (together with other Fergus partners) to connect and start to build better solutions that provide more value for customers. 

         2.5 Within 10 Business Days of the end of each month, Fergus shall provide the Partner with a report detailing the Customers (if any) that have activated a Fergus account during the previous month. 

         2.6 Subject to compliance by the Partner with the terms of this Agreement, provide the Partner with the Partner Benefits specified in paragraph 3 of this Schedule 1. 



         3.1 The following Partner Benefits shall be available to the Referrer Partner, subject to any review undertaken in accordance with clause 8.2 of the Agreement: 

                   3.1.1 Fergus shall pay the Referral Fees to the Partner in accordance with paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4 of this Schedule 1, and otherwise in accordance with clause 8 of the Agreement.  

                   3.1.2 Where there has been prior written agreement between the parties for a specific event, Fergus may participate in and co-promote the Partner’s events,; 

                   3.1.3 Fergus shall include a reference to the Partner on the Website; 

                   3.1.4 Fergus may, in its discretion, send messages to its customers regarding the services and/or offers provided by the Partner. 

         3.2 Fergus will, within 10 Business Days after the end of each month (EOM Report) issue the Partner a report showing the Referral Fees payable to the Partner for the previous month.   

         3.3 To the extent that any of the above information relies upon the Partner supplying information, the Partner must do so promptly and as reasonably required by Fergus.  

         3.4 The Partner will, after receipt of each EOM Report, invoice Fergus for the Referral Fees for that month based on the EOM Report and Fergus shall pay the Partner the amount payable under each invoice by the 20th of the month following the month of invoice. 

         3.5 To be eligible for a Referral Fee, you must have a signed current Fergus partnership agreement and have your partnership referral code entered into Fergus Software when the Fergus prospective Customer signs up for a Fergus trial.    

         3.6 The Referral Fee will be payable by Fergus to you in respect of a new Customer only after the Customer has paid three full (3) successive subscription invoices.  

         3.7 If two or more authorized partners of Fergus, for any reason whatsoever, claim a Referral Fee for the same Customer, Fergus may (in its sole discretion) allocate the Referral Fee between such representatives in such proportions and in such manner as Fergus determines is equitable (in its discretion). Any such allocation made by Fergus shall be final and binding on all parties. 

         3.8 The Referral Fee is the only amount payable by Fergus to the Partner in connection with the Partner services, and the Partner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses and taxes it incurs in connection with the Partner Services and otherwise fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement. 

         3.9 Fergus will not be obliged to pay any Referral Fees and may terminate its obligation to pay any outstanding Referral Fees, and/or disable any Referral Code immediately if you are suspected by Fergus (acting reasonably) to have:  

  • been fraudulent or engaged in a scam; or 
  • intentionally provided to Fergus any incorrect or misleading information about a New Customer or acted dishonestly in any other way; or 
  • the New Customer is in breach of the Agreement or Fergus’ Terms of Service 

         3.10 Fergus will not be obliged to pay Referral Fees if:  

  • the new Customer is a current customer or was previously a customer within the last 12 months of Fergus or its affiliates, partners, distributors, or resellers; 
  • Fergus or its affiliates, partners, distributors, or resellers has had substantive contact with the Customer prior to it becoming a Customer;  
  • the correct Partner Referral Code is not used; or  
  • the provision of any services or products other than the Software results from the referral.  

         4. OTHER TERMS 

         4.1 Upon termination of this Agreement: 

If the Agreement is terminated by Fergus pursuant to clause 14.2 of the Agreement or by the Partner pursuant to clause 14.1 of the Agreement, Fergus’ obligation to pay Referral Fees shall end on the effective date of such termination, provided that Fergus shall pay all Referral Fees incurred prior to the effective date of termination. 

                   4.1.1 If the Agreement is terminated for any other reason, Fergus’ obligation to pay the Referral fees shall, in respect of each Customer, continue until 3 months following the effective date of termination or expiry of this Agreement. 

                   4.1.2 The Partner acknowledges that Fergus may, in its sole discretion, either accept or decline any potential Customer referred by the Partner.  






The parties acknowledge and agree that these terms are in addition to, and shall not limit in any way, any other terms of this Agreement (including any other Partner Engagement Schedule that applies to the Partner).  


         1.1 Ensure that its personnel undertake all training and accreditation activities notified by Fergus from time to time. 

         1.2 Use all reasonable endeavours to ensure its personnel have (and maintain) a deep understanding of the Fergus Service features, use cases and configuration. 

         1.3 Ensure its personnel are able to train Fergus customers on how to setup and use Fergus in their day-to-day activities. 

         1.4 Ensure its personnel have good knowledge of the relevant market and continually evolve with the market.  

         1.5 Regularly attend events (including those notified by Fergus from time to time) and connect with other partners to ensure that the Partner’s services, solutions and products are relevant and up to date; 

         1.6 Attend an annual re-accreditation meeting with Fergus to ensure the Partner’s knowledge of the Fergus Service is current. 



         2.1 Provide the Partner with access to the Platform as required by the Partner to perform the Partner Services. 

         2.2 Provide the Partner with access to a Fergus representative to provide guidance on the Fergus Service and the processes to be followed by the Partner.    

         2.3 Provide the Partner with advanced training on how to implement the Fergus Service and train others (as an expert). 

         2.4 Subject to satisfactory completion of all required training activities, provide the Partner with confirmation of its accreditation as an ‘Accredited Fergus Advisor’. 

         2.5 Subject to compliance by the Partner with the terms of this Agreement, provide the Partner with the Partner Benefits specified in paragraph 3 of this Schedule 2. 



         3.1 Fergus shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Partner with leads for businesses needing assistance with job management software and/or broader business management support and advice. 

         3.2 The Partner may use the ‘Accredited Fergus Advisor’ logo in its marketing materials, provided such use is in accordance with all applicable Fergus branding guidelines (as notified by Fergus from time to time) to differentiate itself from other advisors / consultants). 

         3.3 Access to advanced training from Fergus. 

         3.4 As an Accredited Fergus Advisor, the Partner may provide setup, training and advisory services specific to implementing and supporting the Fergus Service, and retain any revenue earned from the provision of such services.  

       4. OTHER TERMS 
