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1 min view

Multi Tenant Billing


Address your Invoices, Quotes and Estimates to the right person without having to change all the details you have setup by watching this video.



Hi everyone, Dylan here from the Fergus team. In this video, I'll be showing you how multi tenant billing works in Fergus like we saw in the previous videos on Invoicing.

We'll need a job that has had all the work completed or needs a portion of the job invoiced or a quote or estimate in draught from the job we can select. invoicing, quote or estimate as long as the document is in a draught status. In this case, let's select invoice. What you will notice is now at the top of the invoice.

We have a dropdown menu to choose from, as well as two new fields to populate. If we start from the top, we can select from a list of contacts relating to this customer. And this will change the person the invoice is addressed to. From here, you can enter whose attention this document requires, as well as an address or any other information required on the document.

Multi tenant billing will give you the ability to choose who you invoice a job to without having to change the customer details entirely. Perfect for billing a property manager without having them set up as the contact for the address.

Thanks for taking the time to watch our video. If you have any questions, please get in touch via