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"By adopting this system we are now seen as professional and progressive within our town"

Daniel Gunther, Owner, Gunther Electrical

"Since adopting Fergus, in the last 6 months, we’ve seen a 60% increase in our business."

Ben, Co-Owner, KVA

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0800 461 219

65 New North Road,
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Auckland, 1021


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Tips & Tricks

trades supply chain issues

2 min read

Navigating Supply Chain Challenges in the Trades Industry

Unfortunately, as we’ve seen in recent years, the trades industry is no stranger to supply chain...

2 min read

7 Ways to Improve Your Gross Profit Margin in 90 Days

Improving your gross profit margin isn’t just about boosting numbers—it's about securing the future...

2 min read

Boost Your Trades Business with These Essential SEO Strategies

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can significantly improve your visibility on search engines like...

How to Write a Quote for a Job

2 min read

Invoicing for Tradies: Best Practices to Ensure Timely Payment

Invoicing for Tradies: Best Practices to Ensure Timely Payment For tradies, managing finances...

time management for tradespeople

2 min read

Time Management Tips for Tradespeople

Tradespeople, the clock is ticking.

Building relationships in the trades industry

2 min read

How to Build Relationships in the Trades Industry

In the trades industry, success hinges not just on your technical skills, but also on the strength...

mental health for tradespeople

2 min read

The Importance of Mental Health for Tradespeople

It might not be the most discussed topic out on the tools, but mental health is a major part of a...

marketing plan for tradespeople

3 min read

7 Marketing Tactics for Tradespeople

Whether you’re an electrician working solo, or you own an plumbing company with staff out on the...

customer service in the trades industry

3 min read

The Importance of Customer Service in the Trades Industry

Unfortunately, the importance of customer service in the trades industry often takes a backseat as...

trades business technology

3 min read

5 Trades Business Technology Success Stories

Running a trades business is like juggling.